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SplashLand Magazine // Press // Resort // Highway // Dreams // Community...

is a queer owned and operated seasonal magazine and independent publishing house established in March 2023 aiming to celebrate the work of and create community for young artists, writers, and creatives. SplashLand works both in the digital and physical // analog environments exploring and questioning how these two intertwine and disconnect (is it even valid to distinguish them as different anymore?)... We publish a seasonal print magazine created by our inhouse staff. Additionally, SplashLand aims to publish across and within diverse identities // genres // disciplines // forms. These print works are available alongside our ever-evolving digital site, space, surrounding, terrain, climate...

SplashLand’s Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel Commitment

SplashLand Magazine, a jewish and queer run organization, stands in total and complete solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle against the Israeli occupation and genocide. We commit to adhering to the guidelines of the Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI). SplashLand will refuse support from institutions and organizations that are funded by the state of Israel and reject projects that normalize the occupation of Palestine and dispossession of Palestinians.

You can read more about PACBI here.

Free Palestine.


Sydnie Hyams, Rylee Hickman, Sarah Knight, Clara Drimmer, and Veda Carmine-Ritchie founded SplashLand magazine in the spring of 2023. Combining their skills of printmaking, photography, art/culture writing, UI/UX design and a shared love for the power of art.

At SplashLand we are keenly aware that the concept of an independent publishing house or an online mag is not new. Nothing is new anymore, but new is not the point. There is power in creating space, community, and representation - no matter how many there are.

Sydnie Hyams, Editor-in-Chief // Publisher,

born in Los Angeles and currently lives and works in New York City. They graduated Bennington College with a BA in Printmaking and Media Studies. In 2019 she began researching the internet’s data centers and infrastructure and her work still revolves around this today. Specifically, their work discusses the relationship between the digital world and the living one. It questions the notion that those are even two different ideas and toys with the line of analog and digital. SplashLand is Sydnie’s dream and a continuation of this work.

Rylee Hickman, Digital Director,

designs & creates digital products, websites for art, commerce, cool magazines, etc., works on paper, crochet knick knacks, to-do lists, and fridge collages. They studied user interface and user experience design at Cornell. Born in St. Pete, Florida, they currently reside in Brooklyn, New York.

Sarah Knight, Art Director,

was born in Nashville, Tennessee and currently resides in Brooklyn, New York. She considers herself a fan of art, archives, and the poor image. In 2022, she graduated summa cum laude from Cornell University with a B.A. in art history. Sarah looks for interesting things to look at and writes short-form/long-form fiction/non-fiction.

Clara Drimmer, Managing Editor,

counts reading and writing among her few skills. She reads and writes in Brooklyn, NY, but she used to read and write in the great city of Chicago, IL. Clara graduated Cornell University with a BA in History, where she read and wrote a lot about social historiography. Thanks to a career in publishing, she has added editing to that fore-mentioned skill set. Clara likes old things and old friends (and also new friends).

Veda Carmine-Ritchie, Literary Editor,

is in love with love and the people in their life. They can be found writing, chatting, dancing, and drawing portraits of Garfield on the walls of dive bars. Veda graduated from Bennington College in 2023 with a BA in dance, poetry, and psychology. They draw inspiration for their work from morse-code, grief, vulnerability, the ouroboros, power through submission, and the line between the tangible/conceptual. You can find their writing on their personal substack, as well as in other small press zines. Find them on instagram and substack as @callyoutomorrow.

